Origin Story

We’re a little bit silly and I am queen of crazy eyes

Hi! I’m Ashley. I’m a mother of 2 cuties. (Hopefully) Future social worker. Non art making, art major. Wife of an artist, professor, social activist, and all together wonderful human. I also love exclamation points! I’m just trying to figure out this whole “life with kids” thing.

In 2014 Rob (my husband) and I had ourselves a little boy. We had planned and tried (for a while) to have this kiddo. When he came into our world, mine flipped upside down. I struggled with postpartum depression, not connecting with my child, questioning what I had gotten myself into…..you know, the usual 😬. As our child grew into his child-ness, I found myself growing into my mother-ness. As we got to know each other we began connecting and I become a little less terrified of what the future would hold. 4 years later (2018) we had ourselves another little guy. We like them both a whole lot.

Now onto the other stuff:

This shit is hard. For real. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m completely winging it (so is everyone else for that matter). That’s why back in the day people were lifted up by their community, whether that be family or friends. We have strayed away from that concept and it is isolating people who need to be wrapped in community more than ever!

I am on a mission to talk about the hard stuff, the boring stuff, and the fun stuff. I am here to talk about creating our own communities. I am here to talk about every day life. I cannot do this alone so I am constantly on the hunt for ways to connect and create community for myself and for others.

I often say “before I was a mom, I was the best parent!”. Boy was I an asshole back then. Becoming a parent has been the most (continually) humbling thing that has happened to me. I was so sure of the parent I was going to be before I was actually a parent. But once I had kids everything I thought I was going to be was tossed out the window. I am slowly growing into the parent I am meant to be through (lots of) trial and error as well as (lots of) therapy 😂. I find myself telling my, now 5 year old, son ” I can see you’re frustrated” pretty often. It’s a way I try and validate his feelings but also try not to lose my cool when tensions are high. Emotional intellegence is something I have always struggled with. I don’t want that for my children. I am learning more about my emotions while simultaneously trying to help them navigate theirs. Also being frustrated is just a part of life….not just in parenting. So I found the title fitting (and a little giggle worthy).

So join me on this adventure of figuring it out together. I can’t wait to learn all about the joys, struggles and laughable moments as they happen!

Thanks for stopping by!


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