Travel Hacks

As some of you know our family has recently gotten back from a trip to Florida for the holidays. And I know what y’all have been dying for….

You are in luck!

Your wait is over!

I will be giving you my favorite traveling with kids hacks.

A little background about myself for those who don’t know: I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old. That’s about all the background you need for this blog 😂 planetrip

Travel hack 1:


Bring an Ipad, bring a backup ipad charger, bring a portable ipad charger….NEVER LET THE IPAD DIE! We personally enjoy the really overpriced portable chargers they sell at the airport because I have mistakenly left the 500 of them that we own at home and I will just sacrifice that money to not have a meltdown mid flight. 


Travel hack 2:



Be sure to bring a few books, paper and crayons, and action figure for your 5 year old so that his backpack is too heavy for him to carry on his own without falling over midway to the terminal and declaring he can’t go on. This, in turn, creates more baggage for you to carry and in the end he will never actually touch the books or crayons.

Travel Hack 3:


For our 1 year old I like to bring post its, his favorite stuffed animal, postitsand his favorite o-ball so that he can emphatically throw them on the floor and have me lean over awkwardly in the tiny space they give for our legs while he is simultaneously throwing himself backwards and screaming because he REALLY wanted those toys. Then hand them back to him to then be thrown into my face with a smirk and a giggle. In actuality all he wants is your cell phone and his brothers Ipad, which causes much anger between the 5 and 1 year old which results in a scream fight……everyone’s favorite thing in a confined space full of recycled air and tension.

Travel Hack 4:

Don’t forget to bring a bottle for the baby during take off and landing and hopefully to bottlessoothe him to a nice, peaceful sleep. But in actuality he will drink half and then forcefully push it away because he is DONE! But he will be mad because he really wanted to drink the milk, then you give it back and he pushes it away again. This game will continue for about 1.5 hours until a few tears will be shed between all parties involved and you have decided to swear off milk for the rest of your life. 

Travel Hack 5:


Noise canceling headphones. These are KEY for everyone on the plane. People will be loud talkers, babies will cry, toddlers may be scared, someone may snore. We are in a confined space with other humans (and sometimes animals). If you got on the plane without some sort of ear covering devise and then are mad about people making noise (how dare they!) that is definitely a you problem. I will not apologize for existing and my kids will not either. They are tiny humans just trying to get through it and I am a parent trying my hardest to keep them calm, cool, and collected. And I guarantee if you are having a hard time with the actions of children, the family is having a 1000% worse time than you. Maybe try and play peek-a-boo with the baby or buy the parents a drink? Or don’t do anything, which is great as long as you are not being a jerk.

So that’s it folks. Give them some form of electronics, try to get them to go to sleep whatever way you can, and take deep breaths. Those are my hacks. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. Either way, flying with children is hard. They should have shirts that say “I survived this flight” to hand to parents when they exit the plane.











Thanks for stopping by ❤️



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